Continuous Workforce Screening

PostHire | Continuous
Workforce Screening

How PostHire Works


Identify what, where,

when, and how to 

report information 

about criminal events. 


Bulk upload a

roster of individuals

to be monitored.


Criminal records are

pulled directly from  

the Primary Source –

over 2800 county

courts and all federal

district courts covering

over 98% of the population!


Algorithm matches

criminal events to

the identities of

the individuals on

the roster.

Alerts on

Alerts are sent in near

real-time as criminal

activity occurs, per

customized notification



After Legal, HR, and

Compliance review,

take appropriate

action as needed.

Key Features

You are in Control

PostHire Rises Above the Others

Data & Coverage

Criminal Event notifications are fueled by the largest aggregation of county, state, and federal sources inclusive  of sex offender registries and warrants. Criminal Event  notifications always include offense descriptions.

Proprietary data coverage with a footprint that includes over 98% of the US population, emanating from over 4,000  county courts and all federal district courts.

Criminal Event notifications may optionally include an electronic stamped copy of the corresponding  governmental record and primary source information.

The system uses a proven proprietary algorithm for identity-matching.

User Experience & Notifications

Criminal Event notifications are provided in real time. Notifications are triggered by relevant arrests, bookings,  case updates, and convictions as they apply to your organization’s setup. 

Easily access records and primary source information through a client portal (court, arrest, sex  offender information).

Criminal Event notifications are routinely detected even when underlying criminal offenses did NOT result  in an arrest.

Setup & Enrollment

Multiple methods for enrollment and cancellation of participants.

Enrollment includes an automated permissions
module to maintain an individual’s compliance.

Customization & Personalization

Criminal Event notifications can be customized to exclude unwanted offense types, categories and geographies.

Unlimited filtering customized by identity, role and responsibility of the monitored employee.

Take a Closer Look

Continuous Criminal Monitoring​

A safer workspace starts with one conversation. Contact us now!