Three Reasons Why They Just Don’t Cut It
Corporate security departments routinely insist that prospective employees and contractors undergo criminal background checks before hiring them. Hiring decisions often rely on the information provided in those traditional one-time background check reports.
But do one-time criminal history reports alone protect your company? Until now, essential background checks were always backward-looking. They reported whether a prospective employee had a criminal record as of the time you requested the information. But the value of those reports stops on the day you receive them. They fail to notify you when a worker is arrested for an offense after you hire them when they become a risk to an organization.
Now with PostHire, your company can receive continuous, real-time employee screenings (an instant background check) notifying you when a member of your organization is arrested or charged with a crime anywhere in the United States. PostHire’s proprietary software alerts you in real-time by text, email, or API that someone in your workforce was arrested as soon as the record is created by law enforcement.
Here are three reasons traditional background checks, while needed, just don’t cut it in the long run.
1. PostHire Criminal Evaluations Keep You Informed
When your newly hired contractor or employee passes their onboarding criminal background check, little attention is ever paid to the issue again. In fact, most organizations ask their members to self-report any criminal event, which simply doesn’t happen.
Traditional screening databases only report what was found when they conduct a one-time search. PostHire adds continuing value to an initial point-in-time background check by performing a vigilant ongoing nationwide watch to detect the creation of new criminal records involving your employees anywhere in America.
Real-time continual screenings keep management informed and in control of its workplace safety and its public image.
Relying solely on point-in-time background checks can expose your company to negligent hiring lawsuits. In Massachusetts, a jury returned a verdict for $26 million after a nursing agency failed to perform due diligence when hiring a worker who later killed a patient.
2. PostHire Screenings Are Truly National in Scope – Not Regional
Did you know most agencies offering pre-hire criminal background checks limit their search to only the few zip codes where the subject last resided?

We scan public record data from over 97% of the population in the US and make it available in our client portal within minutes of receipt. We uncover over 100,000 records per day, nationwide, thus ensuring you are aware of any events of concern.
With nationwide travel accessible with a few keyboard strokes, background checks in a limited geographical area have limited value over time. With PostHire’s unique data capabilities, you will know of impacting events as they occur nationwide throughout an employee’s career.
3. PostHire Keeps Updating the Progress of Workers’ Ongoing Charges.
PostHire’s dynamic criminal background checks are updated in real-time 24 hours a day to ensure your company is not operating with a blind spot in its security apparatus.
PostHire searches 24 hours a day for updates to court records as cases progress through the judicial process. Reporting real-time updates keeps company leadership fully informed about any significant changes in a worker’s status.
Your Company’s Brand Deserves Ongoing Protection – That is After You’ve Hired Workers
Hiring decisions involve making informed judgment calls based on the best available information.

Knowing someone is ok before they get in the door is a necessary practice, believing everyone stays that way could be called reckless. Corporate security depends on continuing awareness of risks to personnel and company assets.
Workplace safety, customer protection, and your company’s reputation in the community depend on staying informed about problem employees whose conduct suddenly becomes threatening. Don’t find out about your workers’ new criminal offenses when it’s too late.